Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Abortion: Pro-Life or Pro-Choice

In the United States, pro-life groups favor greater legal restrictions on abortion, or even to complete ban it. They argue that a human fetus is a human being with a right to live, so abortion is like murder. On the other hand, pro-choice groups argue that a woman has certain reproductive rights, especially the choice on whether or not to carry a pregnancy to term. The Government will never ban Abortions. They don’t want to deal with outcome of this reality. The Supreme Court would most likely shoot it down as being unconstitutional. I personally think abortion should be legal. I don't like it, but I think abortion is tragic and horrifying.
One of the most common reasons why some women want to have an abortion is simply because they are afraid it will affect their current lifestyle. Such as, not wanting to stop work or schooling, and because of financial or relationship instability. If someone who couldn't afford to raise a child was to get pregnant, should we then force them to raise it? That child will most likely have to lead a life in poverty, which is not going to be a good life. Rape is a very credible reason for why abortion should be allowed. If a woman is abusively/forcefully impregnated, she should be allowed to get an abortion. Having to live with the scaring fact that she was raped is tragic enough. She shouldn’t have to wake up to the outcome of a child to remind her every day of the horrifying event.
Let’s say abortion is illegal, how do we enforce that? How do you even begin to control and regulate that?  Some women that still want an abortion would go the "back alley" way, which would lead to infection and possibly death of the mother. Does a woman become a ward of the state the second she becomes pregnant? It seems to me that what we would be saying is that the second a woman becomes pregnant, her body is no longer her own. That's leading us down a very dark path indeed. It sets a model that says other people can decide what should happen with your body. At the end of the day, it’s the woman's body, it’s INSIDE her body. I am taking the pro-choice stance. I would not deny a woman her right to choose.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Commentary on a Classmate's Blog

I disagree, military spending is not really a question of whether it's too much, just right, or not enough. As with all federal government agencies, the issue is wasteful spending. Military spending is only one part of the systemic problem in the federal government. To simply latch onto military spending as the federal spending issue is very narrow-minded. If the funds are stopped for battling terrorists, it will not stop the other countries from attacking us. Unfortunately there are many places in the world that want to see America burn. Take North Korea for example. This Communist country has been threatening the United States of America for quite some time now. This is a little country. They know they do not have the capabilities to attack America where we are right now; they’re not dumb. With all of our weapons and soldiers, it would be suicidal. If we were to stop and cut funds, it would only make us weak. Spending money on the war against terrorism is very important, now and forever, as America is an ever-growing nation and this society is just getting more and more advanced. We have come a long way since our conservative ways. The United States of America is known as Land of the Opportunity and Free, offering rights as well as freedom to its citizens; freedom of speech, freedom to wear certain clothes. Everything was fought for. You have to fight to get what you want, to get where you want to be. We live in a world where things do not just come easily to you. In school, we are fighting to be the best student. In work, we are fighting to do the best job. Everywhere around us, we are at war. And it is because of war that we are able to continue the lives that we have, be free and have human rights.
“If we truly want our country to be great then we need to prioritize where money is being spent because spending so much military defense is just protecting our right to remain stupid”, Ashley Arnerich said in her comment, which is a great example of pure ignorance. There have been countless soldiers who died on the battlefield to help make America free. So you’re saying those men and women died “protecting our right to remain stupid”? And then you brought up the 9/11 attacks as if we as a nation saw a tragedy like that coming. If we did, don’t you think we’d do everything possible to prevent it from happening? Isn’t that where military defense would come in? Did you expect us not to take action and go to war after that horrible event? If education is your argument, then blaming military spending isn’t the way to go. What good is intelligence if we do not use it to protect ourselves? Many people don’t go and get a college education simply because they can’t afford it. The use of programs like ROTC allows for people to earn a degree while receiving financial support from the military. Let’s not forget the education opportunities that the G.I. bill provides.  Don’t argue that they spend too much money because Medicare spends $800 billion per year and does that provide for the common defense of our nation? No. Does that create jobs? No. War is not a good thing, do not get me wrong. Although, fighting against terrorism is very necessary. It does not matter what we do in life. Nothing will matter if we are not armed. Countries will come and destroy us at any possible chance they get.